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Technical review of the Office 365 Delegation and Policy Control features in Quadrotech Nova

Technical review of the Office 365 Delegation and Policy Control features in Quadrotech No...

A Microsoft MVP with real-life, 'on the ground', knowledge of managing the Microsoft cloud and its challenges shares what he thinks of the Quadrotech Nova platform and its capabilities for Office 365 delegated administration.

In this white paper, you’ll learn how you can use Quadrotech Nova to:

  • Securely delegate control of Office 365 actions to other users in your organization
  • Set up policy-based automation for authorization, service configuration and license assignment
  • Use audit logs to track which actions were taken, when and by whom

Read this in-depth technical review to get a full walkthrough of all the features and capabilities available for Office 365 Delegation and Policy Control.

Technical review of the Office 365 Delegation and Policy Control features in Quadrotech No...

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