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Get your Office 365 Tenant ID in one simple step

Oct 31, 2017 by Doug Davis

Everyone loves time savers, life hacks, or whatever you want to call them. Working in IT, we all have our top, ‘go-to’ time savers, and in Office 365 having your Tenant ID at your fingertips can be a great one to have at your disposal.

In many internal systems, your tenant isn’t identified by its formal name, which is usually something along the line of Using this formal name can require applications to parse the name and run tests to make sure it’s valid – so naturally, developers came up with a solution.

That’s where the Tenant ID comes in. This is a GUID that is assigned to your tenant at creation time and is then shared with any application that needs it. It’s always unique (that’s what the U stands for), as well as being locked and unchangeable, so it’s very reliable.

While the Tenant ID is mostly an internal marker, there will be times when you will be asked to enter the Tenant ID to complete specific tasks, such as setting up the PowerBI Adoption Pack and certain tasks in coding etc.
There are two traditional ways to get your tenant ID. Option one is to log into the Azure Active Directory Admin Portal, expand the Azure Directory Node, and find it under ‘properties’, then copy and paste it. The other option is to run a PowerShell script. Neither method is very quick or straightforward, and you usually have to remember the same steps every time you need the tenant ID.

There is a quicker and simpler way to get your Tenant ID that doesn’t require logging in or running a script, or any other coding voodoo.

  1. Open a browser and enter the following information:
  2. A bunch of data will be returned, and right there in the first line is your tenant ID.
  3. Boom! Bookmark this link, and you will be to get it in seconds, for whenever you need it.

Why not try it now? It’s an easy way to get this info, and then you’ve got it and can copy and paste it into any application that needs it.

Make sure you check back on our blog for more handy hacks, scripts, and tips for Office 365 management!