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Disabling Outlook Web Access or ActiveSync for users in Office 365

Jun 17, 2014 by Emma Robinson

You can easily disable and enable various Mailbox access methods in Office 365 using the web administration console.

Some of the features you can turn on and off include.

Unified Messaging
This allows a user to access their email from a Mobile Device email application.
OWA for Devices
Outlook Web Access formatted for Mobile Web Browsers.
This allows a user to access their email using old school email connectivity protocols that are still used by some older mail applications
This allows a user to access their email using the Outlook desktop application.
Litigation Hold
Prevents users from being able to delete any emails
Allows users to store older messages in an Archive Mailbox and helps them reduce their mailbox size.

To configure these settings you need to log in to the Office 365 Administration console as an Administrator and go to the Exchange Online Admin Center.

Recipients in Exchange Admin Center

Recipients in Exchange Admin Center

Double click the user you want to edit the features of and click the Mailbox Features section on the left.

Mailbox Features view

Mailbox Features view

You can even set the features of multiple users at once by selecting them all in the Recipients view

Select Multiple Recipients in Exchange Admin Center

Select Multiple Recipients in Exchange Admin Center



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